Rasul Mowatt

Writer and Educator
Raleigh, North Carolina

Rasul Mowatt is a Department Head and Professor at North Carolina State University as well as formerly serving as a Department Chair and Professor at the Indiana University. Areas of focus are the geographies of Race, the geographies of violence, the animation and production of public space, and the application of critical theory. Alongside various academic articles, book chapters, textbooks, and presentations, The Geographies of Threat and the Production of Violence: The City and State Between Us (2021) and Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits (2024) as well as The City of Hip-Hop (expected release in early 2025) are examples of more public-facing scholarship from Rasul. Also, Rasul’s non-academic work has been in the areas of city management, human rights, and incarceration. Lastly, beyond the scope of academia and community organizing, Rasul has moonlighted as a DJ for over 30 years.